PRI-Center provides information on political or noncommercial investment risks, as well as ratings for160 countries, research, tools, directories, news and events. PRI-Center提供政治或非商业投资风险信息,还提供对160个国家、研究、工具、目录、新闻和事件的评级。
The study's authors say rating agencies have deviated from their traditional roles as providers of opinion and instead co-operate closely with investment bankers to help them secure the desired ratings to sell deals to investors. 该研究报告的作者称,评级机构已经偏离了它们以往作为意见提供者的角色,转而与投资银行家密切合作,帮助他们获得理想的评级,以求将产品出售给投资者。
The ratings agencies may move shortly to reassess CDOs, but the investment banks have seen no deterioration in their own ratings. 评级机构可能不久就会重新评估CDO,但投行自己的投资级别并没有恶化。
Toyota group suppliers Denso, Aisin and Toyota Industries also were put on notice of a downgrade in their investment grade bond ratings. 丰田的供应商电装、爱信和丰田工业公司也被警告,他们将被调低投资评级。
Their investment grade ratings of many subprime mortgage-backed securities were a primary cause of the current financial crisis. 它们给予许多次级抵押贷款支持证券的“投资级”评级,是当前这场金融危机的主要诱因。
Some worry about the potential for conflicts of interest, given that investment banks rather than investors pay for ratings. 一些人担心可能出现利益冲突,因为支付评级费用的是投资银行,而非投资者。
The rise means the debt derivatives are trading at levels normally associated with companies holding credit ratings close to junk – even though investment banks 'ratings are more secure. 这意味着,这些债务衍生产品的交易价格,已与通常情况下信用评级接近垃圾级公司的有关产品持平&尽管投资银行的评级更为安全。
Longer-term, though, there are more fundamental goals: to reduce banks 'and investment firms' reliance on external ratings, and to make the supply of ratings more competitive. 但从长期来看,则有更多根本上的目标:减少银行和投资公司对外部评级的依赖,以及令评级供应更具竞争力。
However, domestic scholars produced differences through the analyst rating value research, early scholars believe that the analyst ratings do not have investment value, but scholars in recent years believed that the analyst ratings have investment value. 然而,国内学者对证券分析师评级的投资参考价值研究产生了分歧,早期的学者认为证券分析师评级不具有投资参考价值,而近几年的学者认为证券分析师的评级具有投资参考价值。